
06 Dec 2020             Suneet Cherieth

Is There a Possibility That Online Degrees Will Have More Value Due to The COVID-19 Pandemic Effect?

Once upon a time all over the world in the 'West' as well as in the 'East' degrees acquired by learning on campus had a lot of value. However, the sudden entry of COVID-19 pandemic on planet earth has certainly forced the whole world to think about increasingly making use of and recognizing online degrees. Especially, since the pandemic certainly shows no signs of stopping soon, and it looks like humanity will have to endure it until an officially tested vaccine is made public the world over. Under the given circumstances that exist now then, there certainly seems merit in going the 'e-Learning' way and encouraging more people to enrol in online degrees. 

Flexibility in Online Degree Courses and its low cost is a boon for students:

The unique features about obtaining a degree online are that you pay less and get to study from the comfort of your home at your convenience. For example, Blair Currey is studying a Bachelor's online degree course from the University of London from New Jersey in America where he lives. More importantly, it has allowed him the flexibility to study as per his schedule, and that too at half the cost of any program offered in the US. It is a fact that when online degree courses were first initiated there were few takers because most people were afraid of trusting this concept. This is because they found it not quite as 'Legitimate' as in-person degrees. However, with the end of the pandemic not yet in sight, this idea of securing a degree online is becoming more and more as time passes by a 'Possibility' and not just a 'Probability'. 

The Sudden Surge in Online Degree Courses Enrolment during the COVID-19 pandemic:

A CEO of an online 'e-Learning' platform Coursera Jeff Maggioncalda has said that since mid-March this year about 24 million individuals registered for online study. Which is a stupendous increase of about 320% that too in a space of just one year. The University of London which is delivered online on the digital platform Coursera has seen an increase in recruitment of 62% with students applying from 143 countries who mostly are in their 30's and 40's ever since pandemic arrived at our doorstep. A clear indication that the pandemic has pushed for the acceptance of online degrees as a form of formal study from people around the globe. 

The increased demand for Online Degree Courses during the COVID-19 pandemic a possible illusion:

'All that Glitters is not gold' is a famous English adage that can be used to describe this meteoric rise in people pursuing Online Degree Courses all around the world. This because despite the demand for such degrees predicted to swell even further in the future, it does not mean that they have been universally accepted. Abigail Gomes Leitao, a student who is studying with Currey in the same course says she has received comments from people that have directly questioned her choice of study. She further candidly states that "It's almost as though they are seen as an easier route than traditional on-campus degrees, and I do worry that future employers will view my degree in the same way, and this will affect my chances". 

So, the major takeaway from this growth of online degree courses around the world during the pandemic is that the new era of 'e-Learning' has well and truly arrived, and yet it is not here for a permanent stay. 

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