
19 Feb 2021             Suneet Cherieth

Did you know about the British Government's plan to protect Freedom of Speech on Campus?

The British government has announced plans for a "free speech champion" to ensure universities in England do not stifle freedom of speech and expression. According to it, the champion will sit on the Office for Students' board and regulate matters such as "no-platforming" of speakers by universities or student unions. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson even going so far as to issue a warning of the "chilling effect" of what he called "silencing" in universities. The new post is apparently part of a series of proposals, announced on Tuesday, aimed at strengthening academic freedom in England's universities. Here is highlighting a few facts about this plan that you should know. 

Plan introduced to encourage free speech in the country:

Under the plans, universities would be legally required to actively promote free speech and the Office for Students would have the power to impose fines on institutions if they breach this condition. This would also extend to student unions, which would have to ensure that lawful free speech is secured for members and visiting speakers. Individuals would be able to seek compensation through the courts if they suffered loss from a breach of the free speech duties - like being expelled, dismissed or demoted - under a new legal measure. 

The next steps for this plan to be made public soon:

The Department for Education said the next steps for legislation would be set out "in due course".  Mr Williamson said: "Free speech underpins our democratic society and our universities have a long and proud history of being places where students and academics can express themselves freely, challenge views and cultivate an open mind. He further stated "But I am deeply worried about the chilling effect on campuses of unacceptable silencing and censoring. "That is why we must strengthen free speech in higher education, by bolstering the existing legal duties and ensuring strong, robust action is taken if these are breached." In December, Cambridge University said its proposed statement on free speech would no longer require staff and students to be "respectful" of differing views, following an intervention from academics who said calling for respect could undermine academic freedom.

The plan being introduced protect essential component of democracy in the form of free speech:

A spokeswoman for the group Universities UK said universities were "committed to promoting and protecting free speech, which we see as critical to the success of this country's higher education system".

"There are already significant legal duties placed on universities to uphold freedom of speech and universities are required to have a code of practice on free speech and to update this regularly."

Hillary Gyebi-Ababio, the National Union of Students vice-president for higher education, said: "Students' unions are committed to freedom of expression and are the very home of rigorous debate and new ideas.

"There is no evidence of a freedom of expression crisis on campus, and students' unions are constantly taking positive steps to help facilitate the thousands of events that take place each year."

Jo Grady, general secretary of the University and College Union, which represents staff, said: "In reality, the biggest threats to academic freedom and free speech come not from staff and students, nor from so-called 'cancel culture', but from ministers' own attempts to police what can and cannot be said on campus." 

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