Community Members

Community MembersSave The Planet

The school community members describe The School Planet . They have added invaluable services to their careers and now they are the part of The School Planet . They are educators, flying pilots’ senior manager, teachers , lecturers , social workers and the part of the world community.

The School Planet Welcomes Them!

  • Muhammad Khattab Teacher in Saudi Arabia
    MA/ BA/ Degree in Education / CELTA

Learning English has become necessary currently for many reasons. First, English is an international language, and it has become a means for communicating globally. Second, English is the language for mutual understanding around the world. Third, learning English will help everyone in academic fields such as getting a fruitful job, promotion, and expertise. Finally yet importantly, learning English can open doors for you if you are planning for migration or studying at an international university. Now, you can learn online within a great environment. Just get motivated, English is coming to you. Learning is the key to success, so let us get started with The School Planet.

  • Shirley Pereira
    Manager at HPCL –Mumbai

I was glad to see your website and the learned staff that are ready to contribute articles/teach through the online process. This will specially help the students to gain knowledge not only of their own curriculum, but also of the other activities related to learning. It is important not only to learn for the exams, but also to gain knowledge. Knowledge is like pearls of wisdom and in the long run it is this general reading that will help us become better & more tolerant humans. Our world today needs people who are educated in the true sense of the word [in their ways & behaviour – compassionate & understanding human beings], with a far-reaching vision which will help us cross the language & cultural bearers and promote peace & harmony in the world.

  • Anukrati Rathore
    B.A / MA from Jaipur India

A child's reading skills are important to their success in school and larger part of life as it improves their communication and language skills. Moreover, reading can be a fun and imaginative time for children and opens up mind to many different possibilities. Studies suggest that reading develops a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of world and other cultures.

  • Jude Anthony
    B.A / M.A Eng Lit / Degree in Education

With the passage of time, English language roots are piercing In all our aspect of life. To overcome this monstrous challenge The planet online School has established a platform for the Learners to become globalized citizens. English language has Its own importance it interacts practically and enlarges to describe Novice actions, discoveries and inventions. This language has given Voice to different regions and nations to communicate in one single language. When child is born and naturally gets adapted with its own regional Language and unconsciously speaks the language flawlessly in which he has born. The School Planet online school has now come on the scene to provide the opportunity to shooting learners to get adapt in English language.

  • Naomi Pujati
    Graduate in Education -Indonesia

Read a Lot, Write a Lot
Be a Voracious, Loving Reader with The School Planet. When you start reading in a certain way that is already the beginning of your writing. You are learning what you admire and you are learning to love other writers. The love of other writers is an important first step. To be a voracious, loving reader.

  • Patricia D’Silva
    Graduate / Post Graduatue in Eng: Literature

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
The School Planet is designed to prepare you for today and tomorrow with upcoming awes


Few of the associated NGOs

  • NGO’s from Mumbai
  • NGO’s from Africa

We welcome you to The School Planet website. We have designed it to give students, parents, teachers, caretaker, children orphanages and to the wider community the information that they need. I hope that this website will give information relevant to education to all our visitors.
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